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Practice team

Kim Foy-Olowu

Practice Manager

Kim Foy-Olowu has worked in the practice since 1998 and became Manager in 2004. Kim is responsible for the day to day running of the practice. She is also responsible for Business Development, Planning, Strategy and Governance.

Data Quality Team

Our Data Quality Team work to assist the practice in administration ensuring our records are correct and up to date, working within national guidelines and legislation.

Care navigators

The care navigators provide patients with a first point of contact and direct them to the most appropriate source of help. This may include self-help and self-management resources as well as signposting to the most appropriate professional. Care navigators can ensure the patient is booked with the right person first time.

Care navigators have been given additional training in order to help them direct patients to the most appropriate source of help or advice. This may include services in the community as well as within the Practice. This makes it easier for patients to get an appointment with the GP when they need it, and shortens the wait to get the right help.