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Maternity Policy

Did you know…there is now an antenatal self-referral system at MKUH.

If you would like to refer yourself, please visit the Milton Keynes University Hospital online self-referral form. Please complete the form in order to make a self-referral for antenatal care at Milton Keynes University Hospital.

In order to help understand your individual needs, please answer the questions as fully as possible. This will ensure that you are booked for the most appropriate care and place of birth.

If you are considering a home birth you can select this option on the self referral form.

Booking early in pregnancy has benefits for you and your baby. Prompt access to maternity care enables the timely offer of antenatal screening tests. Screening tests are offered during pregnancy to find any health problems that could affect you or your baby. Ultrasound scans and blood tests can help you make choices about care or treatment during pregnancy or after your baby is born.

For more information on the screening tests offered ask your midwife. Please see the Screening tests for you and your baby leaflet for more information.